Here are some hygiene tips I’ve picked up while working for Initial, for your home and business. Read our latest blog to find out more.
Over the past few years, our knowledge of hygiene practices for ourselves, our homes, and our workplaces has been heightened. By now we all know that simple hygiene measures can help protect our health as well as the health of those around us.
We’ve seen that the best defence is to wash your hands with soap and water frequently for 20-30 seconds, or for as long as it takes to sing the “happy birthday” song, twice. As much as that has offered me some level of comfort towards my personal health, daily hygiene practices go beyond just hand washing – and this is what I have learnt from Initial.
For cleaning at home
An important precaution to take to lower the risks associated with infections and illnesses in my home is to regularly disinfect and clean frequent-touch areas. The safe use of domestic products to clean door handles, chairs, tables, taps, floor surfaces and even toys, is sufficient daily.
However, professional disinfecting and cleaning should also be done periodically for items such as mattresses, sofas, toilets, cupboards and wardrobes. Storage spaces and garages also harbour particles that can be a risk to your health and thus may require professional cleaning and disinfecting.
When handling food products at home, making sure that groceries are cleaned before they come into contact with people to avoid any possible cross-contamination is also a great hygiene practice. Washing unpackaged or even packaged goods before use also helps keep surfaces clean – especially products like meat or chicken that may have leaked.
In the workplace
During the height of the pandemic, employees were encouraged to stay home when ill, social distance, wear masks, and sanitise hands and surfaces to minimise the risk of contracting COVID-19. While the threat of COVID-19 is certainly less than it was during the height of the pandemic, good hygiene practices in the workplace contribute to a healthy and productive workforce, and shouldn’t be abandoned. It’s important that employers implement a hygiene policy and a clean workplace.
One of the biggest lessons I’ve learnt at Initial is about the quality of indoor air, especially in places where people congregate for hours; such as offices, studios, cinemas and even churches. Employers must ensure that the environment that they provide their staff to work from has adequate circulation as well as take extra measures to ensure healthy air, such as installing professional air purification systems like VIRUSKILLER.
I’ve also learnt that regular, professional deep cleaning of bathrooms prevents the spread of infections and maintains morale and a sense of professionalism.
Pivotal to workplace hygiene is bathroom hygiene. Bathrooms need to be well stocked with toilet paper, soap in the dispensers and hand towels. Sanitisers are also imperative to the provision of hygienic bathrooms by the employer. Read our previous blog post: That awkward question: how to ask your male boss for feminine hygiene units to understand why sanitary waste disposal is such a critical part of bathroom hygiene end employee wellness.
Overall, the lesson is that good hygiene can prevent minor and major illnesses, reduces my risk of exposure to contaminants and is great for my overall mental well-being.
Initial the experts in hygiene
Initial are the experts in workplace hygiene. We’re happy to discuss your requirements in detail, during a free site survey. Contact us today and we’ll have one of our experts visit your premises.
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